Forensic Consultation
What is a Forensic Consultation?
Dr. Hersha provides forensic and clinical psychology services to individuals and families in New York. She has extensive experience in providing psychological assessments for civil and criminal legal matters using clinical research and scientific based methods.
Psychological testing, interviews, record reviews, and collateral information are used to answer the client’s referral question. Assessments include various techniques used to evaluate an individual’s past, present, and future psychological status in order to help provide explanations for behavior and for making predictions about the parameters of future behavior.
Child-Family Custody Evaluations
Therapeutic Parent-Child Visitation
Parent Coordination
Parental Alienation Evaluations
Child Abuse and Neglect
Termination of Parental Rights
Work Related Forensic Psychological Matters
Immigration Related Forensic Psychological Matters
Forensic Psychological Assessments in Connection with Criminal Matters
Trial Consultation Services
Expert Witness Testimony
“Human nature is not an object for curiosity merely. It is the source of all our enjoyments, the sum of all our powers. It is the great artist to which poetry, eloquence, history, philosophy, and all the arts and sciences, owe their existence. It is the grand instrument of feeling to which life owes all its interest. It is, in a word, that which makes us to be what we are. It is our very selves. The study of it, therefore, cannot but be deeply interesting.”
- John Gibson Macvicar
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Don’t wait any longer, get started with Dr. Hersha today.