Life Coach in
New York City
How can coaching help?
A skilled coach helps clients accomplish long-standing goals using clearly defined approaches, objectives and structure to boost gains and maximize time efficiency. Coaching can be helpful in both career and relationships as the insights and techniques learned are useful in improving one’s quality of communication, self-awareness, confidence and interpersonal skills. Depending on your goals and timeline, you will work with your therapist to develop a plan for action.
“In the past coaching was mainly used to help address conflict in the workplace. Now, more often than not, coaching services are used to help employees strengthen performance individually and as a group. “
-Dr. Hersha
How can coaching help you or your business?
In order for clients to move towards the career path of choice, it is important to increase awareness of one’s values, personality, skills, interests and needs. So that your coach can help develop a career plan that works to help clients achieve personal fulfilling work life.
Lacking confidence or optimal results in your leadership or management styles
Dissent or conflict with key employees or leaders in your work circle
Missing sense of community and safety within your group
Personality conflicts within your department
Personal problems getting in the way of performance
Interpersonal issues in the workplace impacting productivity?
Struggling with job dissatisfaction
Unable to maintain your work life balance?
What are the services career coaches offer?
+ Business & Group Coaching:
Are you part of a group or business that is struggling to communicate or work together efficiently? Group coaching can help people learn how to communicate, plan, strategize and interact more cohesively so that your are able to reach mutually agreed upon objectives. Managers can learn how to be flexible and effective so that you build strong relationships and get the most value from your employees. Develop strategies to streamline communications and your staff’s workflow. Improve effectiveness amongst staff.
+ Career Testing:
You are more likely to feel positive and fulfilled in your life if you are enjoying your work and are involved in a job that meets your interests and personality needs. As a psychologist, Dr. Hersha is able to use psychological testing and instruments to help individuals learn their strengths, preferences, and needs to feel satisfied in order to experience motivation and personal fulfillment in their career.
+ College Graduate Transition:
Young adults between ages 17-28 often experience a sense of loss in direction upon graduation from highschool or college. After the completion of a structured and oftentimes rigorous coursework, a student may feel experience anxiety, fear and confusion about how and which next steps to take in the transition from graduation to the workforce. Many young adults find themselves lacking the self-awareness, confidence, emotional insight, motivation or communication skills to navigate life after graduation. Dr. Hersha is able to help individuals understand what skills must be strengthened in order to take the next steps towards independence and experiencing a personally fulfilling lifestyle.
+ Returning to work after a sabbatical, illness, maternity leave or raising a family:
Are you in the middle of a personal or career transition? If you have taken time off from work, experienced personal, medical, relationship or family changes and are uncertain about what next steps to take, working with a coach can be helpful. Understanding core aspects of your personality, time demands, values, interests and strengths will be critical to helping you determine what next steps to take when it comes to your career.
+ What is the difference between a coach and a therapist?
Coaching services can be helpful in achieving particular personal or professional goals. However the profession of coaching is relatively new in its stages of development and therefore there are no strict regulating institutions that currently provide credentialing for these services. Therefore perspective clients should make sure to do their research to work with individually who are trained and have the expertise to help you address your concerns and specific goals for treatment. Dr. Hersha provides her clients with the advantage of being both a psychologist and coach. She is able to meld her clinical and consulting skills in order to help you and your business succeed.
+ How long will Coaching Take?
This depends on your schedule and goals for treatment. Dr. Hersha will work with you to develop and implement a strategy that works for you and your employees. Most coaching programs are completed within 6-12 weeks depending on the particular circumstances, programs can be tailored to be completed in as little as two weeks to four weeks.
+ How will my employees react to coaching services?
Most employees understand that coaches work to improve the environment and individual in order to maximize gains. Therefore employees often welcome the opportunity for growth and introspection. Dr. Hersha offers the confidentiality, support and skills necessary to help her clients succeed. Many of her past clients have expressed what a wonderful opportunity it was to have a neutral outsider come assess, strategize and support employees and teams so that everyone feels more cohesive and fulfilled at work.
“Buyers of executive coaching should see through biased marketing messages and better position themselves to increase ROI by insisting on quality. Select more wisely and obtain better service from coaches bringing integrated, complementary strengths rooted in business and psychology.”
-Forbes Magazine
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